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- cox***@*****.com2024年11月16日
非常專業細心,已經成為長期 聘用
- 匿名用戶2024年1月19日
- è¡ç2023年5月8日
It's my pleasure to recommend Queenie to you; she is an accommodating coach. During her coaching, she paid attention to my situation, was precise in polishing my resume, also gave me professional advice on my interview.
- David2023年5月5日
Excellent Class! I was impressed with the variety of moves and stretches in your class. Very knowledgable and able to explain needed movements clearly. She has a friendly and supportive style.
- william yeung2023年4月17日
细心,有耐性,會按照學員進度教受,very nice
- Matthew Sit2023年4月15日
友善親切 能照顧初學者的能力👍🏻