鍵盤樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0鋼琴班鰂魚涌影視製作 NEW獲聘次數0I'm a professional video producer in Hong Kong. I provide one stop video production for various kinds of videos such as TV commercial, corporates, documentaries, ...母帶處理混音處理動畫製作+ 5上環學科補習 NEW獲聘次數0Hello there! I'm a year two design student and I'm looking for some tutoring jobs in order to support myself financially through college. I have ...英文補習一般補習啟德語言學習 NEW獲聘次數0English tutor with 5 years experience Freelancer Mainly videographer, photographer and graphic design, artwork design like leaflet, poster...英語班廣東話班英文班不限服務地區網頁,應用程式開發,資訊科技,法律查詢,及其他 NEW獲聘次數0I am the owner of Aloft tech limted, a software development company. We provide professional service on system development, CMS development and programming. We also ...SEO網站優化SEM搜尋引擎營銷Facebook營銷+ 8不限服務地區翻譯服務 NEW獲聘次數0A professional and resourceful PR in the media relations, Chinese writing and translations, corporation brand communications. event planning and management. Welcome to work with you ...中文論文編輯中文翻譯不限服務地區義工服務 NEW獲聘次數0efficiency & effective義工招募青衣生活 NEW獲聘次數0A photographer & Videographer base in hong kong , if u wanna get more information just email to kur***@*****.com www.Facebook.com/KurtRoyPhoto www.kurtroyphoto.com...風景攝影戶外攝影寵物攝影+ 11葵涌保安系統,辦公室維修及安裝,家居維修及安裝,辦公室清理,及其他 NEW獲聘次數0本公司有豐富之專業人員上門睇位及提供專業意見,還有提供冷氣機安裝及專業清洗服務 除冷氣工程外,本公司...冷氣工程冷氣機清洗傢俬工程+ 26不限服務地區外判服務 NEW獲聘次數1本人姓凌,就讀香港教育大學中文教育系四年級。補習經驗三年,包括私人中文及普通話補習(中小學)。已考獲...語音轉錄成文字服務資料輸入校對及文字編輯+ 1東涌