語言學習 NEW獲聘次數0I have been a full time tutor for more than 3 years, and have been teaching children aged from 4 years old to 15 years ...廣東話班普通話班英語班+ 2小西灣生活品味 NEW獲聘次數0Alice Ngan / Food Stylist / Photographer Born in HK, studied photography since 2000 and worked as photographer for 15 years. With the enthusiam of ...攝影班不限服務地區學科補習 NEW獲聘次數0而家係一名中五學生小學補習不限服務地區應用程式開發 NEW獲聘次數0Hi, Im a freelancerAPP設計APP開發UI設計旺角妝髮造型 NEW獲聘次數0婚禮化妝髮型設計 Pre-Wedding化妝髮型設計 表演、活動、舞台化妝髮型設計 細心、認真、專業分析合適的妝容💄 耐心了解你想...婚禮髮型及化妝表演髮型及化妝活動髮型及化妝荔枝角其他音樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0本人畢業於香港教育大學,是一位註冊女老師, 任學校音樂專科老師多年。多年教授幼兒及兒童古典鋼琴經驗,...樂理班紅磡編輯 NEW獲聘次數0Hi! I’m a freelance photographer and dop, currently working in Hong Kong. I have been hired as director of photography for various projects and short ...影片編輯PS修圖服務荔枝角生髮中心 NEW獲聘次數0有成意去剪頭髮剪髮服務屯門網頁 NEW獲聘次數0My team and I build the whole website system including front-end, backend, API & CMS for IPO company. also will keep in touch with different ...網頁開發旺角水類運動 NEW獲聘次數0☑ 資歷 (Qualification) : 總教練 Head Coach:陳sir (Terry) 現任海川游泳會總教練 香港業餘游泳總會註冊教練 香港業餘游泳總...游泳班將軍澳