選修科補習 NEW獲聘次數0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"image","url":"https://staticfiles2.hellotoby.com/gallery/2023/12/ccb5e9e29d.png","children":[{"text":""}],"loading":false},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"你好,本人畢業於香港大學,主修地理,擁有5年的教學經驗,亦有公開試評卷的經驗。富耐性和經驗,態度認真負責,熟悉香港中小學及國際學校課程內容。在2016年公開試地理科取得5**的佳績\n\n \n\n本人擅長替學生補底/清concept/拔尖/精益求精,會針對各卷做法及技巧,準備額外補充練習及提供自製筆記。\n\n \n\n教導的學生分別來至地區學校、傳統名校及國際學校,能因應學生程度選擇合適教材,為學生打好根基;針對學生於課堂上不明白的地方,用簡單的方法教導,使他們能夠更容易理解。大部份學生在補習後也有明顯成績的提升。\n\n提供whatsapp問功課服務。\n\n"}]}]...地理補習不限服務地區按摩店 NEW獲聘次數0店主的用心佈置,專業尖沙咀泰式按摩,令客人置身於一個舒適寧靜的泰式環境泰式按摩全身按摩腳底按摩+ 3尖沙咀感情咨詢 (1)獲聘次數3Tell me your needs, I’ll do whatever I can assist. Graduated from university in UK and studied Business and English. Currently looking for a job. ...優化網上形象感情顧問將軍澳設計與訂製 (1)獲聘次數3Tell me your needs, I’ll do whatever I can assist. Graduated from university in UK and studied Business and English. Currently looking for a job. ...T-shirt 設計Polo定制T恤定制+ 5將軍澳應試準備 (1)獲聘次數3Tell me your needs, I’ll do whatever I can assist. Graduated from university in UK and studied Business and English. Currently looking for a job. ...IELTS補習將軍澳瑣事代辦 (1)獲聘次數3Tell me your needs, I’ll do whatever I can assist. Graduated from university in UK and studied Business and English. Currently looking for a job. ...海外代購將軍澳翻譯服務 (1)獲聘次數3Tell me your needs, I’ll do whatever I can assist. Graduated from university in UK and studied Business and English. Currently looking for a job. ...中文論文編輯英文論文編輯英文翻譯+ 2將軍澳語言學習 (1)獲聘次數3Tell me your needs, I’ll do whatever I can assist. Graduated from university in UK and studied Business and English. Currently looking for a job. ...英語班將軍澳外判服務 (1)獲聘次數3Tell me your needs, I’ll do whatever I can assist. Graduated from university in UK and studied Business and English. Currently looking for a job. ...神秘顧客秘書服務商業或企業文件翻譯服務+ 9將軍澳局部工程 (1)獲聘次數1本公司提供室內設計,空間規劃, 由平面擺位,訂造傢俬,現場裝潢, 配色,選料,至單位中的現成傢俬,家...傢私組裝砌磚鋪板工程清拆或還原工程+ 5九龍灣