舞蹈 NEW獲聘次數0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Ballet and Jazz teacher"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"ARAD, AIDTA, RAD RTS, ATOD JAZZ TEACHER "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"I teach dance in the Isla School of Dance, Virtuoso School of Ballet Co. Ltd, ...Jazz Funk舞蹈班芭蕾舞班兒童舞蹈+ 6不限服務地區護理及照顧服務 NEW獲聘次數0多功能媽媽,搵錢咩都做得托嬰服務不限服務地區生活,活動統籌,影音製作課程,婚禮攝錄,及其他 NEW獲聘次數1LMPA (英國攝影大師協會) WPPI Member (2019 first half competition Silver Award) AsiaWPA Member (2018-2019 Excellence Award) 2013-1-4 最感動攝影大獎 曾接受T V B 財...攝影班活動MC結婚註冊攝影+ 21觀塘學科補習 NEW獲聘次數0I am a year 1 student from the Science Faculty in Hong Kong Baptist University currently. I have taught Primary and Secondary students through individual ...一般補習通識教育補習綜合科學補習+ 4葵涌數碼營銷 NEW獲聘次數0HelloToby is an online marketplace for services. Our vision is to improve lives by connecting people with services needs to professionals with skills. We aim ...Facebook營銷Google營銷Instagram營銷+ 5上環妝髮服務,婚禮當日,活動統籌,婚禮攝錄,及其他 NEW獲聘次數0Korean HanKuk Wedding已在香港紮根十年。由起初的銅鑼灣主店,到三年前的尖沙咀分店;一直致力於韓式化妝技巧,髮型設計和韓式Pre-wedding的專業服務提供給客人。我們的師傅全部都是來由擁有韓國專業資格的韓國本地師傅。 Korean HanKuk Wedding已累積近三萬五千位熟客,亦有不少客人開始詢問有關韓式婚禮的事;我們已經開始在韓式婚禮著手,全力以赴,為新人提供一次最獨一無二的韓式婚禮。...婚禮統籌婚禮髮型及化妝活動髮型及化妝+ 7尖沙咀影視製作 NEW獲聘次數0I am a mulitmedia and cg artist.動畫製作企業形象片製作赤柱保安系統 NEW獲聘次數0在電腦、電子、家居設備等提供維修,安裝等服務電子門鎖安裝及維修防盜警報系統安裝攝像頭安裝+ 1不限服務地區寵物寄養 NEW獲聘次數0HelloToby is an online marketplace for services. Our vision is to improve lives by connecting people with services needs to professionals with skills. We aim ...寵物託管上環語言學習,學科補習 NEW獲聘次數0Over ten years experience teaching English. Students from top local and international schools in Hong Kong, including DBSPD, DGJS, CIS, SIS, HKIS, VSA, Choi Kai ...英國文學補習英文補習小學補習+ 2不限服務地區