影音製作課程 NEW獲聘次數24By Blue Production offers cross media production including video shooting,editing, photography, animation, creative writing, etc....攝影班何文田應用程式開發 NEW獲聘次數0Codaplant is a digital agency based in Hong Kong, we provide full digital solution to clients from startups companies to listed companies. We are a ...APP設計APP開發UI設計沙田場地布置 NEW獲聘次數0Theatre Productions, Event Productions, Technical Support, Lighting Design, Graphic Design, Performers, Photography, etc. Ask me if you have any questions or problems for your project....宴會廳佈置舞台佈置畢業典禮佈置+ 1旺角編輯 NEW獲聘次數010年培訓及就業輔導經驗,為超過400名成人及青年學員作面試培訓及就業輔導跟進。曾任教小學之升中面試班、小司儀班、義工培訓小組及正向說話課程, 亦曾帶領及策劃逾40次成人、青年及小學生訓練營會及領袖訓練。 取得City& Guilds 的專業培訓及評審高級文憑,屬國際職業資格第三級。亦為認證之NLP 高...PS修圖服務長沙灣生活,影音製作課程,生活品味,廣告服務 NEW獲聘次數1I am a passionate videographer and photographer who loves to capture unique moments. I have undergone training with world-class photographers, videographers, and colourists like Pat ...攝影班藝術攝影概念攝影+ 10不限服務地區演藝人員 NEW獲聘次數0hi please add me扭氣球師表演魔術表演活動MC+ 4紅磡個人理財 NEW獲聘次數0本人於宏利保險已有5年以上經驗,主要跟客人一起策劃醫療儲備及退休儲備,為將來退休生活作好準備保險經紀不限服務地區翻譯服務 NEW獲聘次數0With my Bachelor's Degree in Arts, majoring in Comparative Literature and Korean Studies from the University of Hong Kong, I am also experienced in translation ...韓文翻譯英文翻譯中文翻譯堅尼地城弦樂課程 (3)獲聘次數4Gold prize winner in Italy-Hong Kong International Music Competition Bachelor of Music (Honours) degree The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Full scholarship recipient for ...中提琴班小提琴班荃灣局部工程 NEW獲聘次數0全屋铲底,油防潮油,批灰三层,打磨,油五合一乳胶漆细油,喷手扫,墙纸,二十年经验。油漆工程秀茂坪