學科補習,辦公室清理 NEW獲聘次數0Math 5** Physic5* Chem 5* Hi, i am Terry, 5 years teaching experience...數學補習物理補習化學補習+ 1美孚學科補習 NEW獲聘次數0Experienced in tutoring Form 1-Form 6 DSE and IB students....數學補習物理補習化學補習+ 3不限服務地區健身訓練 NEW獲聘次數0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"健身。健能教練 \nHKDSE Physical Education lv5\nOuhk sport management\nYMCA fitness instructor⭐️\nBallfriend assitant basketball coach and\nfitness coach⭐️"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"NASM Certified Personal Trainer "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"NASM Certified Corrective exercise specialist "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"NASM Certified performance ...私人健身教練TRX懸吊課程伸展班九龍城婚禮攝錄 NEW獲聘次數0本公司創辦多年,由提供日本婚紗禮服至現在提供香港、澳門和日本婚紗專業拍攝,同時亦設有家庭拍攝、孕婦拍...婚紗攝影不限服務地區市場調查及商務分析 NEW獲聘次數0神秘顧客銅鑼灣妝髮造型 NEW獲聘次數10I am Kumi. I have six years experience in nail service. I was working in chain nail salons and now I am a freelance nail ...活動髮型及化妝觀塘敲擊樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0Po Chan was studied with Top names Drummer of U.S and HK,Like Sai Hing Chiu,SongLiang,Ian Forman, Ralph Humprey,In2009 He went to Beijing Institute of Modern ...流行鼓班爵士鼓班木箱鼓班+ 1觀塘結他課程 NEW獲聘次數0Hi,我叫BC啊,我係一個busker,過去有三年時間喺台灣生活。誤打誤撞之下考左台中市嘅街頭藝人證照。一邊做街頭表演,一邊讀大學,背著結他走唱人生。啱啱返黎香港一年左右,目前有喺酒吧駐唱。我最擅長嘅就係自彈自唱,因為最有效果嘅結他技巧就係自彈自唱。...木結他班馬鞍山紋身與紋繡 NEW獲聘次數6你好,Mavis.C make up於2013 年成立,主要服務包括 Professional make up Artists, Bridal wedding /prewedding events... 新娘化妝服務 -半永久紋繡(妝感霧眉/內眼線) -個人化妝班 -修眉服務...紋眼線眉毛服務尖沙咀健身訓練 NEW獲聘次數0We all all have different body type, it is through practising will allow us to understand our body. It is important to get the benefit ...瑜伽班伸展班尖沙咀