生活 NEW獲聘次數0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Hi there, I am Ashley, a film photographer, a professional in HK & East Asian culture, and a hard-core lover of Hong Kong. I take ...藝術攝影嬰兒攝影家庭攝影+ 4不限服務地區其他音樂課程 NEW獲聘次數1系統式教學,自家notes,一齊分享音樂 比起其他地方,更清楚知道自己學了什麼 教授結他及樂理 完全彈性上堂時間 逐堂收錢...樂理班觀塘設計服務 NEW獲聘次數0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"I have over 20 years solid experience on branding and fashion area, more than online & offline markets, strong in creative design with fashion trend ...平面設計名片設計封面設計+ 8不限服務地區其他音樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0Stage Music提供各類音樂相關服務,包括多種樂器課程、國際音樂考試服務、音樂演奏服務、音響器材租借服務及專業錄音服務等,一直致力透過專業及正統之音樂訓練,以提高學生音樂之水平!...樂隊訓練班樂理班旺角設計與訂製 NEW獲聘次數1I experienced to work as a freelance or full-time graphic and web designers in several companies for more than 3 years. Which involved handling graphic ...T-shirt 設計將軍澳弦樂課程 NEW獲聘次數2I am now teaching cello and music theory. I have experience for teaching cello over 8 years. I attained diploma of cello in Atcl and ...大提琴班觀塘數碼營銷 NEW獲聘次數4以小型公司budget制作公司網頁,三天即可完成簡單網頁,讓商戶把握商機。電郵營銷中環海外升學 NEW獲聘次數1I am Tina, a masters student who recently graduated from London School of Economic ,my major is Human Resources Management and organisational behaviour.I am interested ...升學顧問大圍其他音樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0本人畢業於香港演藝學院,主修色士風學位課程 教授音樂多年,包括中小學。 可提供上門教授色士風和樂理。樂理班慈雲山廣告服務 NEW獲聘次數0Please contact商業攝影頭像攝影商品攝影不限服務地區