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- Dhillon2025年3月13日
Really appreciated the work and attitude And the photographs greatly reflected the work professionalism
- Omar A.2025年1月15日
Bobby understood quickly the style we wanted, he knew how to make himself forgotten during the birthday which helped to capture spontaneous shots. He was very helpful in bringing all the necessary gear. Would recommend him !
- Vivian Wong2024年12月19日
Toby 找到 Bobby 今次拍攝遊艇生日會照片、感覺他工作態度認真、誠懇有禮貌、又親切。亦會早到1 小時預備拍攝過程,相片亦拍得好好和好快有相睇,極力推薦👍👍👍
- andrea2024年7月15日
- Lucia Tait Tolani2024年5月28日
bobby is a great photographer. he takes direction well and is proficient in lighting. he returns work on time. he is helpful with any related jobs and easy to work with. he has good communication and is reliable. i highly recommend him.
- J2024年4月26日
professional and great work