外判服務 NEW獲聘次數0Freelance translator graduated from CUHK. Translation major, French and Spanish minors. Previous translation: Play scripts, subtitles, storybooks, product descriptions, user manuals, company websites, administrative documents, ...臨時演員沙田學科補習 NEW獲聘次數0本人為香港大學工程系一年級,有兩年私補經驗。DSE phy五星,chem五,數學五星。本人於北區BAND 1田家炳中學畢業F.1-6。...英文補習數學補習物理補習+ 5不限服務地區婚禮表演 NEW獲聘次數20大家好😁 夏葵音樂已經正式投入服務啦🎉 我地既音樂中心位於元朗大馬路康樂路站旁 廿秒都唔洗就已經...樂隊表演元朗學科補習 NEW獲聘次數0As an undergraduate student of Performing Arts, I enjoy learning and teaching, also different generation inspire me a lot about art. I have great uderstanding ...一般補習小學補習中文補習不限服務地區學科補習,語言學習 NEW獲聘次數0Band 1英中 讀城大 out going 喜歡小朋友中文補習英文補習英語班+ 3不限服務地區生活 NEW獲聘次數0Asterisk Studio / Tel or Whatsapp 936***18 / ast***@*****.com / 創意團隊為你提供多元化、一站式的設計及印刷服務,包括: 報章...風景攝影戶外攝影寵物攝影+ 12葵涌外判服務,影音製作課程,婚禮表演,鍵盤樂課程,及其他 NEW獲聘次數3Gloria is a pop/classical pianist graduated from Education University of Hong Kong. Law teaches classical piano and being accompanist over 7 years, as well as ...電子琴班鋼琴班樂理班+ 10不限服務地區生活,婚攝,婚禮攝錄 NEW獲聘次數0提供各類型運動比賽,各類活動及周年聚餐宴會生日會拍攝等攝影服務。 有興趣可留言, E-MAIL或WHATS APP聯絡 Facebook : @woodproduction...結婚註冊攝影婚紗攝影婚宴攝影+ 5不限服務地區裝修設計 NEW獲聘次數0本公司專營木門產品 不論大門,房門,玻璃門,防火門,龍門框家居裝修太子其他音樂課程 NEW獲聘次數7I obtained a minor degree in Music from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, as well as Grade 8 in violin, viola, and music theory. ...樂理班火炭