工作坊 NEW獲聘次數0native in Chinese and highly proficient in spoken and written English and Mandarin. I have been learning drawing over 13 years and awarded different prizes. ...其他工作坊不限服務地區家居維修及安裝 NEW獲聘次數0水管更換維修,專科。花灑更換水喉水務工程水龍頭和管道維修+ 2不限服務地區廣告服務 NEW獲聘次數0Christiaan Hart Photography provides professional event, corporate, sport and commercial photography services in Hong Kong and abroad. We pride ourselves on delivering fresh, professional images ...頭像攝影商業攝影上環場地布置,藝術及文化,翻譯服務,諮詢服務,及其他 NEW獲聘次數0Hello, I am [Name], a professional [profession] with [years] of experience. I specialize in [list of services] and have provided service for [number]+ clients. Professional ...英文補習功課輔導班花藝班+ 14不限服務地區語言學習 NEW獲聘次數0Samuel is a multitalented professional, specialising in project management, secondary and tertiary education, graphic/product design and music....廣東話班西營盤妝髮服務,生活,婚禮當日,編輯,及其他 NEW獲聘次數0婚禮髮型及化妝表演髮型及化妝活動髮型及化妝+ 18炮台山就業培訓,生活品味 NEW獲聘次數0擁有10年以上化妝經驗、曾為大形新娘化妝公司任職造型師 City & Guilds Diploma in Makeup City & Guilds Diploma in Beauty Therapy 中國國家認可高級化妝師 City & Guilds 導師...美容培訓課程個人形象儀態課程化妝班灣仔語言學習 NEW獲聘次數0我是一名定居於香港的廣州人,畢業於香港浸會大學媒體管理碩士學位。以廣東話及普通話為母語,英語流利,可...廣東話班普通話班不限服務地區場地布置,場地出租,婚禮表演,演藝人員,及其他 NEW獲聘次數0電結他班木結他班音樂表演+ 4觀塘護理及照顧服務 NEW獲聘次數0經驗豐富。有陪月。催乳。嬰兒按摩。中藥湯水證書等。已經為超過40個BB和新媽媽提供服務。陪月服務不限服務地區