義工服務 NEW獲聘次數0hi, this is kennethTime Auction 義工招募義工招募土瓜灣送禮服務 NEW獲聘次數0花束 開張花藍 白事花藍普通花店服務土瓜灣語言學習 NEW獲聘次數0Specialized in language tutoring and translation. Provide service in Quality Assurance, esp manual writing and audit/ inspection....廣東話班普通話班普通話班馬鞍山場地布置 NEW獲聘次數0直接與我聯絡 Instergram/facebook - Drawbagshop ① 對像:成人 提供服務:Art jam(Acrylic、Water color,etc) 紮染工作坊3hrs、畫袋工作坊 ②對像:1~12歲兒童 提供服務:...展位佈置展覽佈置派對佈置不限服務地區瑣事代辦 NEW獲聘次數0Chinese word processing, English word processing跑腿不限服務地區裝修設計,辦公場地及設備 NEW獲聘次數0ZIP is an interior design studio based in Hong Kong. Our projects are built with creative thinking and professional service, advocates combination of modern urban ...室內設計辦公室室內設計和裝修室內裝修設計+ 2荔枝角學科補習 NEW獲聘次數0DSE中考獲中文數學生物4。中文寫作說話5,聆聽5**。普通話流利。 小學在深圳讀,其後回港升學,現大學畢業。...小學補習數學補習中文補習將軍澳生活,設計服務,廣告服務 NEW獲聘次數0Provide Custom Design from Typography, Illustration to Graphics of all type. Graphic Designer trained and practice in Toronto Canada. OCAD University. " If a picture ...舞台及佈景設計字型設計背景板設計+ 23不限服務地區外判服務 NEW獲聘次數0I graduated from Simon Fraser University (Canada) with a degree in Communications (major) and Publishing (minor). Since completing my degree, I have worked for numerous ...商業研究服務校對及文字編輯Wordprocess文字處理+ 4柴灣會計及簿記 NEW獲聘次數0審計個人稅務申報公司註冊+ 3將軍澳