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- aob***@*****.com2025年3月10日
十分耐心指導 動作講解詳細
- kpk***@*****.com2025年3月10日
- Chan2025年3月10日
--- I am so happy to have Jimmy as my personal trainer! He is a highly experienced trainer who truly understands your needs and develops a personalized plan tailored to your fitness level. Jimmy consistently monitors your progress and refines the plan as needed to ensure you stay on track. He is incredibly encouraging during workout sessions, which makes every session both motivating and enjoyable. The gym is also fantastic—clean, tidy, and equipped with a wide variety of equipment. Plus, the location is very convenient. Overall, I’m thrilled to have connected with Jimmy as my personal trainer through the Toby App. I highly recommend him to anyone looking for a professional and supportive trainer.
- Carmen lee2025年3月7日
- Iva***@*******.com2025年2月23日
Jimmy sir,技巧,指導,知識專業,細心,知道學生需要。
- ko tin long2025年2月23日
準時~ 訓練時講解得很仔細👍👍👍