健身訓練 NEW獲聘次數0Hello :-) I have practiced Yoga for more than 2 years and was qualified for a year. I was so addicted to Yoga since my ...瑜伽班大圍藝術及文化 NEW獲聘次數0提供各式專業人才,包括撰稿、翻譯、演員、配音、Emcee、Zentangle禪繞畫教學、日文導師、廣東話導師、心理輔導、催眠治療、摺紙教學......繪畫班尖沙咀瑣事代辦 NEW獲聘次數13教授木結他、電結他及bass。 曾於伊利沙伯體育館、九龍灣國際展貿中心、麥花臣場館等場館演出。同時亦參與音樂...遊戲代打沙田生活 NEW獲聘次數0寵物攝影馬鞍山妝髮造型 NEW獲聘次數0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Sarishma Subba is a makeup artist based in Hong Kong. She undertook"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"professional training from Makeup Forever Academy and has obtained"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"various international certificate including for Bridal, ...表演髮型及化妝婚禮髮型及化妝活動髮型及化妝柴灣妝髮服務 NEW獲聘次數0本人曾負責多個舞台劇,微電影,網絡小劇場及大型活動的化妝及服裝項目社交活動化妝兒童活動化妝攝影髮型及化妝+ 2不限服務地區會計及簿記 NEW獲聘次數1態度認真, 絕不馬虎秘書服務大圍美甲店 NEW獲聘次數5VSPM 是由專業攝影師及化妝師組織,提供婚禮拍攝錄影服務,更有海外攝錄,商業攝影服務,攝影師更拿過很多海...Gel甲-Hard Gel手部修甲Gel甲-Soft/Soak-off Gel+ 4尖沙咀影音製作課程 NEW獲聘次數0Do you know the story about my name? How is my name. How is come from a mistake. I mean my name! Success is a ...攝影班不限服務地區翻譯服務 NEW獲聘次數4I’m skillful and sincere in teaching different kinds of subjects, including English, Maths, Sciences, etc. I have developed a systematic method to develop good learning ...履歷編輯英文翻譯大埔