球類運動 NEW獲聘次數0Youth Leader足球班不限服務地區外判服務 NEW獲聘次數0高:168cm 女巨人 經驗:英皇補習社廣告2012 (扮受訪學生) 要interview 架! 貪玩 樣子大眾臉 似好多唔同嘅人 我諗似欣宜...臨時演員不限服務地區外判服務 NEW獲聘次數0Hi, welcome to Kuma’s Education. We provide diverse services, including tutoring, writing, translating, editing and designing services. We guarantee providing the best service to you. ...語音轉錄成文字服務Wordprocess文字處理商業或企業文件翻譯服務紅磡市場調查及商務分析 NEW獲聘次數0Temp job神秘顧客跑馬地外判服務 NEW獲聘次數0資料輸入葵芳外判服務,活動統籌,會計及簿記,翻譯服務,及其他 NEW獲聘次數0本人就讀香港教育大學中國語文教育學系,在文憑試中文科、通識科、地理科均取得五級成績。本人有豐富的教學...一般補習中文補習校對及文字編輯+ 9上水學科補習 NEW獲聘次數0I am a university student in Hong Kong looking to help people with their English skills! I am a native speaker from the United States ...英文補習不限服務地區市場調查及商務分析 NEW獲聘次數0Graduated from CUHK, good at handling words, documents and datas...問卷調查員神秘顧客商業研究服務不限服務地區感情咨詢 NEW獲聘次數0Hi I am Alvin. I was graduated from Univrrsity College London....感情顧問不限服務地區藝術及文化 NEW獲聘次數0I can help you design and make customized t-shirt within a week and also design a website for you!...中國書法班荔景