弦樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0Education is about inspiration, not giving instructions. Started tutoring since high school, followed renowned mainland Violinist Narway, hold students to high technical standard but more ...小提琴班將軍澳弦樂課程,婚禮表演 NEW獲聘次數0碩士和學士畢業於倫敦大學皇家哈洛威學院英國音樂系, 主修小提琴演奏。已考ATCL證書。參加過不同英國和香港樂團及表演演出。十分流利溝通於英語,廣東話,普通話。小提琴演出經驗豐富,現任香港大型琴行小提琴導師和私人導師,學生年紀從四歲到成人。非常喜愛與學生溝通和相處,分享音樂的樂趣,希望能發掘學生的潛能,培育學生對小提琴和音樂的熱誠。注重基本功例如姿勢,技巧,不同的音樂風格,因此會鼓勵學生參加比賽和考試,希望能夠讓學生明白練習的重要。I was graduated with both Master of ...小提琴班音樂表演炮台山中樂課程,弦樂課程,鍵盤樂課程,語言學習,及其他 NEW獲聘次數0HKU Bsc Mathematics Major廣東話班普通話班木結他班+ 7荔枝角弦樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0Bachelor of Arts in Music (Composition & Music Production; violin major) from HKBU. Freelance musician (violin/viola/guitar/shakuhachi/koto/piano/percussions)/tutor/composer/sound engineer. Postgraduate student in Japanese Studies at CUHK....中提琴班小提琴班不限服務地區弦樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0私人上門教學 有意938***71小提琴班深水埗弦樂課程,藝術及文化,鍵盤樂課程,語言學習,及其他 NEW獲聘次數0I can teach Cantonese for English speaker普通話班廣東話班中國書法班+ 9深水埗弦樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0音樂碩士,樂團特約樂師 專注於小提琴演奏與教學 視唱練耳和樂理導師 致力於為學生打造專屬課程,學生比...小提琴班不限服務地區弦樂課程,婚禮表演,其他音樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0Joelion Keung, a professional violist/violinist with more than 10 years of experience. I specialize in violin and viola playing and have provided service for teaching. ...小提琴班中提琴班管弦樂團訓練班+ 1上水弦樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0本人於2010年考獲聖三一音樂學院小提琴演奏一級文憑,致力培訓喜歡音樂的人才。其後於職業訓練局管弦樂團中參與不同演出。本人不會急於要求學生考試,想學生能有先享受音樂的過程。...小提琴班不限服務地區弦樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0I am a Hong Kong girl.小提琴班不限服務地區
- Emmayujin Fu2024年10月20日
- Marcus Harvey2024年7月14日
Ian Chow is an amazing violin teacher. My 12 year old son has been learning violin since he was 6. He recently switched to Mr Chow and he has improved my son's performances to a very high standard.
- Vincent2024年5月11日
I have been learning violin with Ian for about 2 years. His teaching instructions are clear and helpful. He is patient in dealing with my mistakes. I am happy to see my growth under his guidance and will have no hesitation to recommend him to anyone.
- Ava kwok2024年5月8日
Miss cheung 會細心指導學員 能在學習鋼琴上提供專業意見
- Frankie2024年5月7日
- 匿名用戶2024年4月9日
Ian is so good at teaching!! She taught me how to play Cant Help Falling in Love within 2 months or so when I had 0 experience in playing violin. I managed to play during my wedding and everyone said I was so good! Thanks to him!!! 100% recommend!