外判服務,應試準備,活動統籌,會計及簿記,及其他 NEW獲聘次數0I am currently in my second year of studying Law at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I have experience tutoring students for two years....IB補習樂理班中文論文編輯+ 17調景嶺弦樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0您好!本人就讀於香港科技大學,自幼習琴,學習小提琴十餘年,於ABRSM 8級考試及ATCL演奏級考試皆取得 Distinction之佳績,其中ATCL更是取得96/100之佳績。而且本人於學校亦擔任管弦樂團小提琴首席之職務,現時於琴行擔任小提琴導師,有數年教學經驗,現亦教授最高八級之學生,學生年齡範圍由四歲至成人也有。相信這些工作經驗以及學術發展定能與學生保持良好的溝通,對教學亦有莫大幫助。...小提琴班不限服務地區弦樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0My name is Andrew Lam. I just graduated from the University of Hong Kong. I have been learning the violin since I was 8, and ...小提琴班半山區生活,弦樂課程,影音製作課程,婚禮攝錄,及其他 NEW獲聘次數0攝影愛好者,專影街拍,風景,人像,樂意為新人拍攝婚紗照。 對美學執著,真正的美,發自內心,重視了解新...小提琴班活動攝影風景攝影+ 16馬鞍山弦樂課程,婚禮表演,鍵盤樂課程,其他音樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0你好,我是【導師名】,【就讀於/畢業於】【學校名稱】,主修【科目】,擁有【X】年的教學經驗,亦有【XXX】的經驗。富耐性和經驗,態度認真負責,熟悉香港中小學及國際學校課程內容。在【XXXX】年【公開試】【科目】取得【成績】的佳績 本人擅長替學生【補底/清concept/拔尖/精益求精】,會針對各卷做法及技巧,準備額外補充練習及提供自製筆記。 教導的學生分別來至地區學校、傳統名校及國際...鋼琴班小提琴班中提琴班+ 2不限服務地區弦樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0I grew up playing violin and have achieved multiple awards in various violin and chamber music competitions in Poland and wider Europe. I have participated ...小提琴班不限服務地區場地布置,弦樂課程,婚禮表演 NEW獲聘次數0考獲皇家音樂學院8級以及樂理5級,對教學非常有熱忱,致力傳授紮實的小提琴演奏基本功,充分學習所需樂理知識。 現正在擔任 香港青年愛樂樂團第二小提琴首席, 更多次代表樂團出國表演及比賽, 包...音樂表演小提琴班派對氣球製作香港仔弦樂課程,其他音樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0Rex Chow is a Hong Kong violinist and music composer born in 1992 in Hong Kong. He has been fascinated by music and started learning ...小提琴班樂理班編曲班調景嶺弦樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0姓名/稱呼 : 廖sir 專業資格:小提琴 (ATCL) , 中提琴 (AMRSM grade8) 教學經驗:教授中小學小提琴和中提琴超過十...小提琴班中提琴班不限服務地區弦樂課程,其他音樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0香港中文大學音樂系畢業生 小提琴LTCL演奏文憑 中提琴LTCL演奏文憑 具多年教學經驗 學生年齡由小朋友至成人...小提琴班中提琴班樂理班將軍澳
- Emmayujin Fu2024年10月20日
- Marcus Harvey2024年7月14日
Ian Chow is an amazing violin teacher. My 12 year old son has been learning violin since he was 6. He recently switched to Mr Chow and he has improved my son's performances to a very high standard.
- Vincent2024年5月11日
I have been learning violin with Ian for about 2 years. His teaching instructions are clear and helpful. He is patient in dealing with my mistakes. I am happy to see my growth under his guidance and will have no hesitation to recommend him to anyone.
- Ava kwok2024年5月8日
Miss cheung 會細心指導學員 能在學習鋼琴上提供專業意見
- Frankie2024年5月7日
- 匿名用戶2024年4月9日
Ian is so good at teaching!! She taught me how to play Cant Help Falling in Love within 2 months or so when I had 0 experience in playing violin. I managed to play during my wedding and everyone said I was so good! Thanks to him!!! 100% recommend!